Raine, Kathleen
William Blake
Blake as an artist
Bindman, David
Phaidon Press Limited, Oxford, 1977.
In-4, cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleur, 256 pp.
A un cahier de 70 pages d'illustrations en noir et en couleur.
Bon état d'ensemble. Jaquette légèrement frottée.
Preface - Introduction - Section One : The Emergence of the Prophet 1. The Visionary Apprentice. - 2. Student and Independent Engraver. - 3. Painting and Prophecy - Section Two : The Infernal Method 4. Illuminated Printing and Private Methodology. - 5. Swedenborg and Swedenborgianism. - 6. The Three Tracts : There is no Natural Religion, series a and b, and All Religions are One. - 7. The Landscape of Innocence. - 8. Revolutionnary Intimations - Section Three : The Prophecies 9. The Continental Myth. - 10. The Process of Creation : from the Notebook to Songs of Experience. - 11. The Myth of Creation : the completion of the Bible of Hell and the Large Colour Prints. - 12. The Lambeth Books and Blake's Contemporaries - Section Four : Primitive and Original Ways of Execution 13. Young's Night Thoughts and Gray's Poems. - 14. The Butts Tempera Series. - 15. Felpham. - 16. The Return to London - Section Five : Failure and Self-Justification 17. Blair's Grave. - 18. The Defence of Visionary Art. - 19. Apocalypse and Last Judgement - Section Six : Milton and the Epics : 20. Milton and Jerusalem. - 21. Comus and Paradise Lost. - 22. Illustrations to Milton's Minor Poems - Section Seven : The End of the Pilgrimage 23. The New Public. - 24. The Book of Job. - 25. The Last Works - Appendix A. Brief Guide to the Illuminated Books. - Appendix B. A Glossary of Blakean Terms - Notes - Index.
David Bindman traces the artist's ideas as they are gradually developped through Blake's art, and explores in depth the effects, personnal and professional, of influential contemporaries such as Flaxman and Fuseli.
The book encompasses all phases of Blake's art, including the highly complex Illuminated Books.