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A Study of Vermeer Snow Edward A

A Study of Vermeer
Snow, Edward A.

University of California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1979.

In-8, pleine toile éditeur à la bradel sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, titre doré au dos, 183 pp.
Avec un frontispice et 72 illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs in et hors-texte.
Bon état. Menus défauts sur un côté de la jaquette.

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Contents - List of Illustrations - Prologue : Head of a Young Girl - Art and Sexuality I. Painterly Inhibitions - II. Two Early Paintings - III. The Enigma of the Image - Epilogue : Meaning in Vermeer - Notes - Acknowledgments - Index.

"We cherish Vermeer, suggests Edward Snow in this exhilarating and original study of the artist, because his paintings are themselves so fundamentally engaged with the question of value. Whether they depict a remote view of the everyday life of a city, an intimate, restrained interchange between a man and a woman, or a solitary woman quietly absorbed in some familiar domestic activity, it is always finally a matter of the deepest human needs, and the power of art to satisfy them. By demonstrating how much depends on our capacity to feel ourselves mirrored and inwardly enlarged by these scenes, the author is able to bring us emotionally closer to the paintings and at the same time do justice to their intellectual force.
"A Study of Vermeer is concerned above all with ideas that unify Vermeer's oeuvre. Starting with the artist's early preoccupation with the attention man pays to woman, the book traces the erotic theme as it develops from painting to painting, and reveals how gradually comes to involve questions about the nature of art itself."